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Thursday, February 02, 2006
  The Road of the Pakora

The road of the Pakora is wide and open for those willing to learn and enjoy.

It's dead simple: no eggs, some besan/gram flour (chickpea) and any vegetable you might like (especally eggplant, potatoe, onion). Pinch of turmeric and cumin&co at will. The secret lies in the thickness of the batter. If its too watery, the batter won't stick to the vegetables and you'd end up in a greasy mess.
Deep fry the pakoras in a relatively hot oil, and allow enough room between the chunks so they can be properly fried.
The road of the Pakora is now yours to discover.

*Don't forget a soft yogurt dip, or some tea.
Interesting. The Japanese have a similiar dish of deep fried vegetables in batter, called tempura. They learned it from the Portugese. They also cook fish, especially prawns, this way.

Ray Kinnane
Oh yes, tempura!!
It's funny because many Spanish people now discovering Japanese food are amazed by tempura and praise the virtues of that dish...and it's just what we've been doing in Spain (and Portugal) for centuries, deep frying fish in the religious periods of meat-free fast, called (even nowadays) "témporas", hence "Tempura"...well, I guess the Japanese added a bit of sophistication to the dish, as they usually do :)
Thank you Dave! I'm glad you liked the blog...and thanks for the photoblog favourite...I think you are the first ever!!!!!!! You've won a Pakora!! :)
Tempura was the first thing I though of, too. The secret to light tempura is to keep the batter very cold until you drop in in the hot oil.
¿Que tal saben?Por el aspecto me cuesta imaginar el sabor,...
Hola Consumidor :)
Pues son una cosa curiosa, porque son buñuelos de verduras pero fritos sin huevo, tan sólo con harina de garbanzos. En la pasta para la fritura, como si fuera de langostinos en gabardina, se echan especias, sobre todo comino, cilantro en semilla y fresco, cúrcuma y un poco de chile. Así que el sabor es muy muy particular. Muy sabroso pero a la vez suave por la verdura (berenjena, coliflor, patata)...Son algo muy habitual, como el pincho de tortilla de todo el subcontinente indio. Lo toman con un tececito o como aperitivo. Si pasas por Londres, el Reino Unido en general, (como sucursal de la India, quiero decir), lo puedes comer en cualquier sitio, aunque en muchos son malas y grasientas.
I love pakoras... but I prefer to get them done :-)
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