But, what´s going on in London?
Friday, December 09, 2005

The old lady next door, let's say her name is Mrs Holy.
She's very old, terribly old I'd dare to say. She's already entered those years when age becomes a terrible matter. I don't think Mrs Holy's head is alright. I mean, she can walk, and talk, and it's polite as British can be. But she's terribly old, you know.
My house, number 7, let's say Mornington Street, has four doors. But I think we two are the only dwellers here most of the time. She's old and I am unemployed.

She's been coming upstairs knocking at my door for the last month or so. Always asking for matches. I don't know what she exactly does with them, as a matter of fact it's hardly a week since I give her a matchbox, and here she comes again.
It's been like that the last three times. Until that day I told Mrs Holy I didn't have any matches left. In fact I don't even use matches, I have automatic gas hobs, you know, the kind that doesn't require any match.
That's what I told her last time. I had to explain Mrs Holy the reason why I don't use matches. She seemed to understand. And there she was the very next morning, at my doorstep, with a big matchbox. She couldn't light them up because they were wet. So I had to show her how you can light a wet match by pulling strongly. She listened carefully.
I thought that was going to be the last time she came by, until this mornig.
- ¿Can you get me some toilet roll and matches?
- I don’t have any matches left, I don’t use them.
- No, I want you to get me some toilet roll and matches (she had a coin in her hand, a Pound, and she waved it, somehow pointing the nearby supermarket)
- But I don’t have matches, I don’t use them.
- Oh, you don’t use them. But I want you to get me some toilet roll and matches.
- Wait, I can give you some toilet roll…(I go to the toilet and get her a couple of toilet rolls, by the time I'm back she has already sneaked inside and curiously scans everything)
- Oh, thank you (shaking the toilet rolls in her hands)…but don’t you have any matches?
- No, I don’t use them. My kitchen has an automatic spark.
- Oh…
- …
- What a pity, thank you very much.
Me encanta el estilo, sí, es muy Carver, es perfecto!!!

Venga, anímate a escribir, es "the right time".

Voy a intentarlo yo también...
Pero ¿es un relato o es en serio? Me lo voy a tomar como que vas en serio (hasta ahora aquí no has hecho ficción). Y vaya palo. Quizá, si tiene familiares, podrías intentar hablar con ellos. Porque si no, te espera una buena... you know. Hablo por experiencia.
Pues aunque lo he narrado copiando el estilo de mi escritor favorito Raymond Carver, no he hecho más que transcribir la realidad. Es durillo el tema...la edad no perdona a nadie.
Menudo rollo te traes con la Sra. Santa y los "pospolos". Dejale que como una que yo me se, tras hablar con el Sr.Roca, enciende un pospolo para eliminar los efluvios mortales, a veces, tras babarrunas tolosarras o fabes de cerca del Narcea, hasta dos y tres pospolos son encendidos al dios del perfume, finas que son las de Escarrilla.
Sigo creyendo que es impactante el estilo de Carver. Y cada vez que lo leo parece la primera vez. Para mí fue una revelación. Muy bien lo del "link".

Een heel vreemd gevoel, een soort "kriebels in de buik".
Heel bijzonder.
Menuda prosa macho, creo que supera incluso las reflexiones de Don Quijote al salir de la Cueva de Montesinos :-)

Pobre mujer y vaya cruz con las cerillas.

Es temible el deterioro mental. Es como perder el alma.
...e igual que me influiste con el té, compraré algun libro de Raymond Carver, del cual no he leido nada.
Una historia terrible, pero desgraciadamente cada vez mas habitual.
"Kriebels in de buik"...cangrejitos en la tripa... :) een fijn gezegde

...son duras estas cosas...y hacer literatura de ello aún más...

Jaime En prosa, Catedral, (está en Anagrama) y en poesía, aún mejor Bajo una luz marina (en Visor)...
Now you'll have to supply her with toilet paper for the rest of her life...!
Really funny story!
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