But, what´s going on in London?
Monday, November 21, 2005
  The mayor of agadir gave me some oranges (The WTM series 2)

The mayor of Agadir gave me some oranges, it was at the WTM 05, they came in a little orange bag. Well, he was giving them for free to everybody, so you could see those orange bags all around the exhibition centre, between the stands and on the hands of men in suits of all races, also thrown and forgotten on corners and behind the colorful cardboard decor.
Francamente yo las naranjas las prefiero valencianas, murcianas o andaluzas....
Yo en zumo con una tostada entera con aceite de oliva.

Menos mal que pones fotos que sino.

¡qué ricas! No puedo pasar un día sin un zumito de unas como las de esa bolsa.
Ya, ya sé...son de Agadir, pero me LAS REGALÓ EL ALCALDE!!! ;) ...vamos, eso pone en la bolsa, que yo en persona no le vi...
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