But, what´s going on in London?
Thursday, September 08, 2005
  "The world is very large, it´s quite infinite"
The title is a verse of one of my favourite poets, Bernardo Atxaga. (I don´t give you any link because there are just so many...)
I love it because of it magical sense (both the poet and the sentence). We all know that the world is quite or pretty infinite... but sometimes you just realise it:

Obviously I didn´t take this picture myself (at least with my camera, as I always do)

I use a visitor counter service, Site Meter. It gives you several reports of the people dropping by your site, by time zone, by language...and after more than 4 months of using it, I have discovered this lovely image. A world map report from the last visitors. All those people from around the world coming to this little corner. Well, actually the image is from my other blog.
It just makes you think.

There´s another thing: you can´t do it because it´s just an image, but if I drag the mouse over the dots on the map I can read the names of remote cities, some of them known, many of them unknown.
The red dot it´s me, the last visitor.
Precisos los coches de la otra pagina.
Ah...que' tienen los coches viejos...

Son como los viejos sabores, que ya no existen mas que en el recuerdo, el aroma de otra epoca.
Pero por suerte, el metal de los coches no desaparece tan rapido como los recuerdos...
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