But, what´s going on in London?
Friday, September 23, 2005
  Room for two (The Hackney Series VII)

After some months, we're starting to find our true place in this city. It seems that London has room for everybody, including us. There's room for two.

The picture was taken on Columbia Road, on one of the many lovely furniture and houseware shops to be seen there. It´s Hackney´s flower epicenter, with a fantastic flower market on Sunday morning. If you wait till the last minute, you can get real bargains, and even at the rush hour you can buy a nice orchid for 8 pounds. (I'll post a picture of the flower one of these days).
Unos sillones que estan pidiendo a gritos, un libro, una taza de te y una tarde relajada....
Pues la verdad es que sí. Parar por un momento, llenar una tetera hasta arriba y dejarse caer en el sillón, sin más. Bueno, o con compañía :)
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