But, what´s going on in London?
Monday, September 12, 2005
  My birthday - '74 Corvette
Today it´s my birthday. I´ve been thinking quite a lot about getting older lately.
And just the day before yesterday I was riding by a scrapyard in Southeast London and had to stop because I had one of those magical encouters you just have once in a while.

Click on the image for a full size picture

I was taking this picture for my car-blog, strangely attracted by this "American icon" car, when the owner came out and looked at me quite suspicious.
- Nice car, I said.
- Yes, he answered.
- How old is it? I asked, hopping to get some conversation with that strange man at that strange place.
- 1974, he said.
- Oh!!, Just like me!!, I shouted full of excitement.
Then the man made a small pause to stare at me carefully and said:
- Yes, but you don´t look as good as my car.
Muchas felicidades Iban!!!. Que disfrutes del día y no tengo ninguna duda de que sabrás elegir restaurante o un buen plato en casa :)

Un poco maleducado el hombre del coche.
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!

Hip, hip, hip, hoerah!!!!!!!!!
Muchas gracias!!!!!!!


Tarta poca, por ahora....
Felicidades Ibancito
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